Sunday 4 February 2024

From Ye Old Blogge: Friday, March 12, 2004

Malory Neem

Some old posts, recycled.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Claiming A Spot, Or More Spots. Or Less, Or Something...

I've been watching some of the fine folks at and, since I'm Austrian by birth and can still make myself understood in German, have put up a blog there too.

I am now an international jetsetting blogger... hehehehe

They *Can* Do This...

According to a friend of mine, his buddy works for a telco and they regularly remotely change the ringtone on his mobile for him... Don't take any dirty MMS pix on your phones now!

Only a Quarter eh?

News says that a quarter of Australians are living below the poverty line. Big deal I say (me with my salary which puts me firmly in the middle of that quarter) but hey this has always been the case.

Every few years some politician drags this out and tries to use it to belittle their opponent, and each time it's always the same kind of a story, the same accusatory tone, the same statistics dragged out and chewed over again.

Let's face it, firstly you can make ANY set of figures reflect a result like this, secondly you can make it appear that almost ANY country has this sort of wealth distribution, and lastly, I think it's one of the ideal figures, one that governments actually *aim* to achieve...

These are random blog posts I recently rescued from a text dump of my earliest recorded blog posts from Ye Good Ole Days of writing stuff in Notepad and using some weird software that basically uploaded your entire blog every time you added a new article or edited an old one. 

I'm shamelessly adding that little mini-banner graphic with links for you to donate, check my newsletter site, and generally get more entangled in my weird world. 


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