Sunday 7 January 2024

From Ye Old Blogge: Thu, March 11, 2004

Memory Lane

Some old posts, recycled.

March 11, 2004

Neglect of a blog - a serious charge / Servus Eria!

I've been neglecting this blog. Guilty as charged, there are however, Your Honour, extenuating circumstances.

One - work has been extremely busy. I keep saying that but it really gets busier exponentially. I'm now at several meetings a week, trying to run around a dozen IT projects, half a dozen office projects, and look after three work experience students (okay okay - interns to our podean neighbours) and another sysadmin, and I help one of our more hands-on tech departments with hardware and handbuilt circuitry for their projects. You could say I'm busy...

Two - I can't get ADSL where we live and my other half and I will probably not be able to afford to move to anywhere more suitable anytime soon, so I've been trying to set up a wireless link between work and home, which is non-trivial because it's 12km in between. And (apparently) there may be several buildings and trees either in the way or close to in the way. I don't know yet, because the 24km round trip to change things at one end, then drive back, climb on the roof, haul a dish up there, and then test the link, is a bit wearing and I've been doing it as my time allows.

and thirdly, and most importantly - it's not good for people with emphysema to catch nasty throat and lung infections, you feel as if any moment you may not have another breath in you. And it kinda slows you down...

So - if I've negelcted my blog I think I can be excused...

And on top of that, I've been to a few sites such as Syndic-8 and Blogshares and myRSS and so forth publicising the blog, checking other blogs for inclusion, and finding a few gems to add to my already over-50-strong reading list. Two of them are extremely good reading, if you can read Austrian.

Try Eria's Sammelsurium and Foolosophy for some fine reading and a lot of enjoyment. For Eria, I have this: "Du bist ma schoen, I hab di gern! Keep up the great blogging and having fun."

These are random blog posts I recently rescued from a text dump of my earliest recorded blog posts from Ye Good Ole Days of writing stuff in Notepad and using some weird software that basically uploaded your entire blog every time you added a new article or edited an old one. 

I'm shamelessly adding that little mini-banner graphic with links for you to donate, check my newsletter site, and generally get more entangled in my weird world. 

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