Sunday 24 September 2023

From Ye Old Blogge: Friday, September 01, 2006 Passing Milestones

merely moan

Some old posts, recycled.

Passing Milestones

(and not in your water, either!)

Some major milestones have slid quietly closer and closer and then fallen away astern for me, some almost unnoticed. Some other milestones are looming pretty intensely, and some you just want to forget.

Last Saturday, (26th August) the first milestone that slid beneath the billows of time was the publication of my diet book online. I was rather ill that week, but this was the one thing I managed to achieve that I was most proud of. As a result of that effort, people around the world with "slow inflammation" based illnesses (and this includes several cancers including the one I designed the diet for, prostate cancer) will be able to give these horrible illnesses a run for their money. For me, it reversed my prostate problems in seven months and saved me from the risks involved in the surgery. On all counts, I'm glad I got the thing to publication.

The next milestone that derived from that is that I went from being an unpaid writer to being a published author. Published author! Okay this is very akin to being vanity press but it's still publication. I almost missed this in the excitement, and it was only the other day that it finally penetrated my consciousness. Wow...

What wasn't immediately obvious from that is the other hat I began wearing - I am now also a publisher. The difference between vanity press printing and publishing is that printing involves only taking a marked-up text and setting it in print. Publishing involves choosing the manuscript, editing it, marking it up, getting it printed, and publicising (that's where the "pub" in publishing comes in after all) and selling the finished product. If I only turned the text into an e-book I'd have been a glorified electronic printer, but I've also done the first publicising of the product by putting it online, and have the advertising and publicity plan coming together and launching this weekend. So I'm a printer/publisher now as well.

Apropos of which, I've decided that I'll assist other health/diet/lifestyle/recipe/DIY/home_improv authors by getting them into e-publication and letting them sell their wares on the zencookbook site - may as well act like a real publisher I guess. Also, more titles will equate to more useful information in one place, and that will mean that we all benefit. So if you know someone with a good idea for a book, or with a manuscript, which they want to put online using e-book format, get them to email me teddlesruss(AT)hotmail(DOT)com and I'll help them get it happening.

This Thursday (31 August) another milestone hove into sight and zipped by. As well as becoming a published author, I'm now a *paid* published author. Yep, the first copy of The Body Friendly Zen Cookbook sold online Thursday morning and made my day... That's within less than six days of publication, and without any advertising. Gotta love the Internet!

And since it's now September, I can also say that another milestone cruised in almost under the radar, being that this blog surpassed 1,000 hits in a month, at 1056 for the month of August. That's this suite of blog pages, nothing to do with the diet book, which hit its own high water mark of 35 hits a day yesterday as well, and I haven't even begun to advertise it yet.

Upcoming milestones:
I'd rather forget, but in another six weeks it will be the anniversary of my biopsy that showed the high level of deformed cells.

Six months from now also sees me hitting the half century mark, and should also see results from the CSIRO tests of the diet.

All in all it's been a pretty good week for milestones.

These are random blog posts I recently rescued from a text dump of my earliest recorded blog posts from Ye Good Ole Days of writing stuff in Notepad and using some weird software that basically uploaded your entire blog every time you added a new article or edited an old one.

I'm shamelessly adding that little mini-banner graphic with links for you to donate, check my newsletter site, and generally get more entangled in my weird world.

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