Monday 14 August 2023

From Ye Olde Blogge #2, Sunday, January 18, 2004

Memory Lane

Some old posts, recycled.

ALSO: On this day in 2020 after I'd spent money on a new Lenovo Ideapad laptop/tablet combo, she finally arrived and I unpacked: Leni the Lenovo. She rarely gets used in tablet mode but when she does, I'm very glad to have a Win10 tablet I can carry around and use via touchscreen swipes and an on-screen keyboard. Also - it's great to be able to type, 'mouse' around using the touchpad, and then just tap a thing on the screen to select / activate. ALL laptops and PC screens should have this by now! It's just a way better way of working.  

TechnoFRZ - why weenies will never work out...

(I received this from a friend who works in IT as the sole IT guy in an office of - look, I'll let them take it from here:)

I'm about to work twice as hard at work, because we have a techno-weenie, an OS FRZ... (Fanatical Religious Zealot to those of you who missed the heyday of acronyms.)

And why? Because we both look after the same network, from different offices. We're connecting a company that's striving for that elusive first WAN, and we have different approaches. I tend to use what the company wants, for the sake of the company's network, while he tends to want to make the company use what he prefers, on *his* network... It's not going to work for him, on a lot of levels, and I think you can see why.

Being an Admin in a company means that you have a slightly different customer focus than the rest of the company. The company are there for the clients - you're there for the company... While my opposite number is in head office trying to change us to his idea of a perfect networking solution, I'm happy to provide whatever our customers are using so that our sales and tech support people are talking the same language as our customers. He has the company's Big Boss's ear, I have the interests of the whole company at heart - can you see who's going to win?

Our company made software which was revolutionary for it's heyday, which pushed the envelope and needed Silicon Graphics' finest just to run. As computing power ramped up, our software got a complete facelift into the 20th century by being fully ported to Windows. The reason? Our clients' networks have gone to Windows, and keeping a few SGI boxen around was becoming too cumbersome.
So now all our customers are all switched, and my oppo has switched as much of the network as he can to Linux and OS software... Why are our programmers and developers, who've just gotten used to Visual Basic and the Evil Way being asked to use gcc again? Well, at his office site, anyway...

Meanwhile, we have a decent MS based network, and a VPN based (as it should be) on *nix firewalls. I like to use what's appropriate, not something I'm devoted to. If you have favourites, you won't be touting them long unless they happen to agree with the needs of the company, if you stick to those favourites then you'll be outgrown when your company outgrows the technology.

I don't want to weigh in right now on the value or otherwise of sticking with one company for extended periods of employment. I'll just say that I think if you can stick with one company for a decent period, I'll respect you more because I consider that you've grown with that company and thus have shown dedication, ability to learn, and must have some measure of something which enabled you to keep your job. I'd hope that one of those "somethings" would have been the ability to adjust to the needs of your organisation...

(Note: The IT guy who sent me this is as far as I know still working there as I'm posting this story. He sent it to me early 2003.)

These are random blog posts I recently rescued from a text dump of my earliest recorded blog posts from Ye Good Ole Days of writing stuff in Notepad and using some weird software that basically uploaded your entire blog every time you added a new article or edited an old one. I am shamelessly adding that little mini-banner graphic with links for you to donate, check my newsletter site, and generally get more entangled in my weird world. 

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