Friday, 11 May 2007

Contracts Rule!

It's been a week, alright. Sorry have not posted but always takes a while to settle into a new contract. This one has not been an exception. Also, it blowed up my liddle scoota, which pisses me off mightily. Also, it's going to cost just short of $300 to fix, which is even more of an annoyance. But face it - by the time I do these repairs, the scooter will be almost new again. And it HAS had a very tough task to do. I tend to use my equipment intensively.

So anyway - I am one of two new contractors working for "a few weeks" at a large Government body in Midland. I'm actually enjoying this, my first exposure to a large (huge, even) IT team environment. I think I'm made for this kind of position!

In an interesting first week, I got to delete almost 200 Lotus Notes databases (and good riddance to them, too!) and made dozens of changes to the mail system, found a few problems and started the change management process to fix those, and helped nail a small trojan outbreak cos I've met that particular one before.

I've seldom enjoyed a first week on a new contract so much. Here's hoping it stretches out a bit beyond four weeks...


Anonymous said...

Is there a prize for the person that knows the government department your referring to?

teddlesruss said...

hehe nope but if ya find me i'll shout a coffee at the Courtyard Cafe...