Sunday 24 December 2023

From Ye Old Blogge: Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Amen roly me

Some old posts, recycled.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

This is saddening

In case you aren't up with my movements, I've recently gone halves in a mortgage. 

(EDIT in 2024: As it turned out, no I hadn't, I had in fact been had. C'est la vie.

Prior to this I'd had two good stints of four or more years renting, then things got hectic and person B and their kids and I moved five times in four years, with the fifth time being to this place. Along the way we'd moved from the inner Perth areas (which I quite liked) to this area and back, and I'd said I didn't like that area yet there we were...

At the time we moved here first time, ADSL was a glimmer on the horizon, then we moved back to civilisation and got broadband, and when we moved back here it took our local telco Telstra about seven tries before they were ready to tell us they'd been lying to us for months and no, despite the website saying our area had ADSL, it too was a lie.

I had (and still don't have, going by Telstra's record of lying and delaying) no intention of getting DSL with them anyway, but it would have been nice if they hadn't been telling my DSL provider one set of lies and me another set...

The other day I checked it out, Person B works less than a kilometre from here and their workplace has ADSL. Four blocks away, you can get DSL. I checked Telstra's website for upgrades and even a place in the whoopwhoops called Yackandandah is getting DSL fer chrissakes, and we still can't get it here after more than a year of asking and trying... 

As far as I'm concerned Telstra can take a flying wossname at the full moon, if Australia had just ONE telco that wasn't using Telscum's cables under the ground I'd already have all my accounts with them, every phone I and Person B and their kids own...

I mean, I thought Yackandandah was a town out of a Banjo Paterson poem or a Jolliffe cartoon, yet apparently it's a town which is more technologically advanced than a suburb of a capital city... Tis a bit of a shame really.

These are random blog posts I recently rescued from a text dump of my earliest recorded blog posts from Ye Good Ole Days of writing stuff in Notepad and using some weird software that basically uploaded your entire blog every time you added a new article or edited an old one.

I'm shamelessly adding that little mini-banner graphic with links for you to donate, check my newsletter site, and generally get more entangled in my weird world. 


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