Sunday 23 July 2023

From Ye Olde Blogge October 31, 2003

Memory Lane Friday, October 31, 2003

Some old posts, recycled.

Contemporary history through... - searches for drugs

Mesothelioma - Viagra - Phentermine - Zocor - Bontril - Prozac - -Tenuate - Zyban - Didrex - Meridia - Lipitor. As of this writing, these are the most popular terms searched on, a site that mainly seems to shill for secondrate drug companies and cut-rate cure-alls... It reveals an interesting anthropological find and a not altogether unsuspected snapshot of people now - i.e. people are stupid. Mesothelioma is a disease of the lungs caused usually by inhalation of crocidolite (blue asbestos fibres) in a certain range of lengths. It isn't a drug at all.

The interesting fact here is that if mesothelioma manages to beat viagra as a search term, then there must be a lot of people with asbestosis out there... How did this happen? Dust from old asbestos fencing? Asbestos house cladding? Pipe lagging? Or car brake shoes?

Then we have the inevitable small-dick-syndrome people, and then the obese and the cholesterol-obsessed, the stressed, smokers wanting to get off, and more fat people whose inner thin person is screaming to get out.

If for any reason, this fact survives s few centuries and is finally dug up by an anthropologist / historian, what sort of a world will they imagine we lived in?

These are random blog posts I recently rescued from a text dump of my earliest recorded blog posts from Ye Good Ole Days of writing stuff in Notepad and using some weird software that basically uploaded your entire blog every time you added a new article or edited an old one. I am shamelessly adding that little mini-banner graphic with links for you to donate, check my newsletter site, and generally get more entangled in my weird world. 

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