Friday 20 January 2023

TTMMGH #00008

Oi what a day, what a week.

Today: Went to get a CT scan with contrast, I've had them before but this is the first time I've had a CT with TWO contrast injections. That lovely hot flush feeling, the taste of a bloody chemical factory, and I reckon I've been peeing straight disinfectant for a few hours afterwards. 

It must also half mess with your thinking because it was only while I was halfway to the Pathology to provide a urine sample that I realised that I should have done that before the radioactive iodine injections... Oh well, luckily I have a few more days before I absolutely have to have that one in the bag as it were. 

Also Today: Went to get a fast food chicken meal at a place that we've had nothing but odd experiences at in the past. So I was braced for a long wait in the drivethrough line to the speaker, then another long wait to get to the cashier's window, then another looooong wait to get to the service window. It was after all the tradition.

Was pleasantly surprised when I was second in line for the speaker and almost hadn't come to a standstill before I was rolling towards it. And had placed the order. And gotten to the cashier's window, and paid, and only had to pause briefly before I was at the service window. The alarms should have gone off.

Tap tap tap on the wheel, and omg the window slid open, unbelievable!

"Erm, can I get ya to move forward and wait there mate? Cheers." Damn.

So - to their credit, five minutes and someone was on the way over with a big pile of food. Stopped at the first car and I could see from the head shaking it wasn't their order. Good. I had a one in two chance now. 

"Erm two all sorts of stuff and a thingie drink?" he asked. Same guy. I said nope and he went to the third car, they opened their window and it wasn't theirs either. How a takeaway place can somehow get not one single order of three out to waiting cars has me stuffed. 

And whose order had they brought out? Who was sitting either at the window or in the cafe waiting for a meal that'd be cold by now?

Please Read Down Here Too.

I blog because I like to share. Things you can read about on my suite of blogs (which I'm the sole person creating, researching, writing, and publicising) range over topics like cyber-ethics (AI, sustainable energy, EVs) and 3D printing and recycling plastics and other waste streams, general tech and personal ramblings, environmental and ethical issues, rants about sustainable and eco-friendly tech and bad actors on those scenes, COVID news and opinion, even a recipe blog that has less chit-chat and more recipe..

There are a few others but they're not really my main topics. On top of that I design and make the odd machines and things to help with recycling, my vegetable garden and soon to be reinstated mini aquaponics system, and more. It's a lot to do. I can only manage it because I'm retired on a disability pension. I've included a link below to Chat with me on Mastodon (which is a Twitter alternative without the bitter after-taste) if you think you'd like to write the odd article on one or more of the blogs and help out, or if you have an idea you'd like me to investigate and follow up.

Lastly, if you'd like to help me defray the costs of domain names, server hosting, parts and materials for the show projects, you could donate the price of a cup of coffee - or even make that a monthly donation - by going to my Ko-Fi page, and you could also Paypal Direct.

Chat with me on Mastodon >>


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