Tuesday, 10 May 2022

How To Keep Customers

 Or, How Not To Lose Them

Sometimes, the irony just writes itself, sometimes the line between a truth and a satire is very faint. . .

This Will Be A Short Post

I don't run a business anymore, but I still subscribe to the odd newsletter from business 'gurus' and SEO tutors and website design - after all, there's no harm in keeping up with these trends. So this newsletter was about making websites for clients and said something along the lines of:

"Beware of promising much and delivering little."

No, really? Being dishonest about what you can and will deliver might be seen as a negative by your client? I'm not sure when actual delivered output stopped being the yardstick you'll be judged by. And even in the positively prehistoric times when I worked, there was always that business that promised jet airliners but ended up delivering a kite.

"Businesses have had it with bullshit promises. A bad reputation for under-delivering will really hurt your business."

Again. Say WHAT? Really? I never knew... If I'd known this back in the day, I could have been a good b2b in my time. (Hang on - I was . . .

Oh, and you realise I'm paraphrasing so you can't look this mob up, don't you? They still managed to even pussyfoot around those words of advice, I've condensed their vaporous BS into slightly solid chunks. 

But the solution to all your woes - apparently - is dead simple:

"Underpromise, then you'll look better and more honest."

I can't even. It sounds like a satire but sadly these people make their living giving business advice like that. . . "Lie to your client another way, and you'll look more honest." . . . Imma go out on a business guru limb here and say this:


That should be the little motivational sign on your desk, above the smoko room hot water urn, and graven on your inner eye.

If you *know* your business, then you can tell the client what you can do for them and then do it. That's the best way I knew to keep clients coming back and I'm guessing it's still the best way.

That's it. If you have to learn some new aspect of the work on the job, tell the client and offer them a time discount to cover your learning curve. That's pretty much my advice. 

I'll also say that I think I do deliver, giving you articles that are worth reading, or that provide a smile, or tell you something new, or help you to get into recycling and sustainable energy and living.

So please - if you can at all spare some time, take a look at my News Stand where you'll see live updated links to everything I publish; Or get a subscription to my weekly newsletter where you'll receive the same information; Or contact me via the webform; Or donate either directly or at my Ko-Fi page for the price of a coffee, or even make a regular monthly donation there. 

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