Saturday 12 March 2022

Someone Done Something Bad.

 You know you've done bad things when Meta (aka Facebook aka Zucktopia, the place where nipples are considered a cardinal sin) says people can say nasty things about killing you,  and even Switzerland adopts sanctions against you.

I couldn't believe that the military could be doing the things they're doing without fairly specific exonerating orders so I have to presume that they've been ordered to push boundaries and commit atrocities. And if those orders do exist and did come from the highest, there'll always be a few conscientious objectors among the ranks that are not happy about what they're being asked to do - and I do suspect that 'frontline leaks' may have contributed to Ukraine scoring a few high-value targets.

There's also been unusually fast worldwide intelligence direct to public which has given us all a front-row seat in the Russian military's war room and it seems that they are really desperate for an excuse to just take Ukraine and feel justified in committing the atrocities to date. No matter how these things are committed, the blame falls up the chain of command, and VVP can't fail to be aware of that.

Just now, "Ukraine has established an "international" legion for people from abroad and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has publicly urged foreigners to "fight side-by-side with Ukrainians against the Russian war criminals" to show support for his country." -- ABC News Australia 

It seems that while the major powers are hanging back, the rest of the world, the mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, war-hardened medics, and those who feel the need to go and bust heads, are pouring into Lviv to help.

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