Sunday 1 February 2009

Random Stuff From My Week

LCARS Entertainment:
I've finally picked up the "media PC" off the floor and put it up so I have a semi-neat entertainment machine.  Truth to tell, it can outperform the lappie, but I bought it mainly to be my entertainment center in the bus.  Since I've moved the A/C to the cottage so that it's comfortable to cook and work indoors, and I sleep here on really hot nights too, I moved the entertainment machine inside too.
Yeap that is an unofficial Star Trek style keyboard.  And it works...  More pics at my Flickr account.

These Root Crops Are, Well, Rooted:
Went shopping at the local fruit & veg mart and found all the remaining carrots in the section were like these ones below - what my friend Tom would call "Chernobyl Carrots" so - here Tom these are for you:
Hippy Bunny Observation:
And lastly, file this under weird rabbit/packrat crossover culture:
- about two minutes after this photo was taken she grabbed a piece of dried seed bread in her mouth like a rat or a squirrel might, and bolted to her "burrow" behind my cabinet with it.  I've never heard of a bunny taking a snack into its burrow with it.  Ever.  See why she amuses me so much?

AOBOF: (Any Other Bits Of Fluff)
It's been a hot week here but not as hot as South Australia and Victoria have been having, although where I am right next to a river, the humidity is something to behold, I reckon a few percent more humidity and we'd all be using snorkels...

An art idea I've had is slowly coming together, with the cooler weather predicted I may be able to have a few pieces ready to take pictures of soon,

Guess The Sound!
Last amusement - there's a .WAV file I've just uploaded to, here.  (Right click and "save as", you know the drill...)  Grab a copy, listen to it, and tell me what it is in the comments section, or email me if you don't want to leave an email address in the comments.  First correct will get their name up in an article later.  Nothing flash, this is after all just a fun competition.

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Anonymous said...

The middle carrot looks like Cthulhu.

teddlesruss said...

C'thulhu? Never met the squid. I thought it looks more like Dr Zoidberg - now there's a crab for you - I meet Dr Zoidberg almost anytime I get drunk.

Well - at least, always after I get drunk, my friends (such as they are) turn up with photos in which I'm in a classic Zoidberg scuttle stance, claws raised, so I am guessing he must be just out of camera shot in each of those pictures...

Tom said...

Mmm, freaky carrots indeed. I wouldn't eat them!

But I've met Dr Tedberg before. I'm not sure if I still have the picture somewhere here...

teddlesruss said...

O noes! Not The Picture!

So which kind of those "friends" are you gonna be? %)

On a slightly less disturbing note: Crabcakes for dinner tonight! Not fresh crab though cos it's been too hot to go combing the river looking for the tasty li'l guys...

Anonymous said...

I want to see the photo.

Meanwhile, The Devil's Turnip.