Monday 16 July 2007

Manual Method Maps

Years ago, (and three of my closest friends will bear me out on this) I had a dream to link an address repository to Google Maps. Back then, Google Maps was not quite up to the task as I couldn't add stickpins to it.

I've noticed how so many Google apps are improving over the moon, (Google Documents & Spreadsheets is pretty slick with the new interface, for example, and Google Calendar has adopted some reminder capabilities which have made it my #1 calendar app now,) so I went back to Google Maps and let me tell you I'm impressed there too! So much so that I've now applied my years old idea to the TEdADDRESSES address book.

Okay it's manual for the moment but I can see that I only need to find a developer that wants to make a simple mashup and this can become automated, as I add an address it will let me find the right spot and link back from the address book entry to a Google Map. For now it's all a manual operation involving lots of cut and paste so entries will take me time to get converted.

For now, if an address has a "GOOGLE MAP" link in the entry, I've found it for you and marked it up. And that's cool because, well - because it's just cool...

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